Buenos Aires Stock Market MERVAL
Merval is a private entity incorporated whose stock capital is composed of publicly traded shares.<br />
Merval’s members are Stock Brokers, who execute trades on Spot and Forward markets by means of Negotiable Securities (private and public) on behalf of third parties as well as for their own behalf.

Buenos Aires Stock Exchange
Linked to securities trading, the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange is a civil non-profit organization.

Caja de Valores
Founded in 1974, Caja de Valores S.A. has an important role in the capital markets of Argentina.

Instituto Argentino Mercado de Capitales
Founded in 1984, its function is to provide comprehensive advice to traders and stock exchanges and to spread the capital market's dynamic.

NYSE (New York Stock Exchange)
New York Stock Exchange is the biggest stock market of the world by monetary volume.

Financial Information Unit - Argentina
Financial Information Unit - Argentina

Stock National Commission
Stock National Commission